

Async Google API Client

Aiogoogle makes it possible to access most of Google’s public APIs which include:

  • Google Calendar API

  • Google Drive API

  • Google Contacts API

  • Gmail API

  • Google Maps API

  • Youtube API

  • Translate API

  • Google Sheets API

  • Google Docs API

  • Gogle Analytics API

  • Google Books API

  • Google Fitness API

  • Google Genomics API

  • Google Cloud Storage

  • Kubernetes Engine API

  • And more.

Library Setup ⚙️

$ pip install aiogoogle

Google Account Setup

  1. Create a project: Google’s APIs and Services dashboard.

  2. Enable an API: API Library.

  3. Create credentials: Credentials wizard.

  4. Pick an API: Google’s APIs Explorer


Google APIs can be called on behalf of 3 main principals:

  1. User account

  2. Service account

  3. Anonymous principal by using: API keys

User account

Should be used whenever the application wants to access information tied to a Google user. Google provides two main authorization/authentication strategies that will enable your application act on behalf of a user account:

  1. OAuth2

  2. OpenID Connect


OAuth2 is an authorization framework used to allow a client (an app) to act on behalf of a user. It isn’t designed to identify who the user is, rather only defines what a client (the app) can access.

OAuth2 has 4 main flows. The most popular of them and the only one supported by Google is Authorization Code Flow.

There are 3 main parties involved in this flow:

  1. User:
  2. Client:
  3. Resource Server/Authorization server:
    • The service that aiogoogle acts as a client to. e.g. Calendar, Youtube, etc.

Quick auth script

Here’s a script that will help you get an access and refresh token for your personal Google account.

Link: https://github.com/omarryhan/aiogoogle/blob/master/examples/auth/oauth2.py

Steps to run:

  • Clone the repo

  • cd aiogoogle/examples

  • cp _keys.yaml keys.yaml

  • Fillout the following:
    • client_id

    • client_secret

    • scopes

  • cd aiogoogle/examples/auth

  • run python oauth2.py

  • After the webbrowser opens and you authorize your app, a UserCreds JSON object will be returned to your browser.

  • Copy the access token and refresh token and either paste them in keys.yaml if you’ll be using the examples directory. Or copy and paste them in your own code.

Integrate OAuth2 in an existing web app

If you want to integrate OAuth2 in an existing web app, or use it on many users (not just your personal account), then follow these steps:

  1. Generate an authentication URL and send it to the user you wish to access their data on their behalf.

def authorize(request):
    uri = aiogoogle.oauth2.authorization_url(
            'client_id': '...',
            'client_secret': '...',
            'scopes': [
            'redirect_uri': 'http://localhost:5000/callback/aiogoogle'
    return response.redirect(uri)
  1. Now, the user should get redirected to Google’s auth webpage, were they will be prompted to give your app the authorization it requested.

  2. After the user authorizes your app, the user should get redirected back to your domain (to the redirect_uri you specified in step 1) giving you a grant code (not to be confused with an access token). Using this grant code, your application should then request a UserCreds dict which will contain an access and a refresh token.

async def callback(request):
    # First, check if there's an error
    if request.args.get('error'):
        error = {
            'error': request.args.get('error'),
            'error_description': request.args.get('error_description')
        return response.json(error)

    # Here we request the access and refresh token
    elif request.args.get('code'):
        full_user_creds = await aiogoogle.oauth2.build_user_creds(
            grant = request.args.get('code'),
            client_creds = CLIENT_CREDS
        # Here, you should store full_user_creds in a db. Especially the refresh token and access token.
        return response.json(full_user_creds)

        # Should either receive a code or an error
        return response.text("Something's probably wrong with your callback")


You shouldn’t hand the user of your app their access and refresh tokens.

This is only done here for convenience and for personal use.

Ideally, you’d want to store their tokens in a database on your backend.

OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect is an authentication layer built on top of OAuth2 (an authorization framework). This method should be used when the client (the app) wants to identify the user i.e. authenticate them. Since OpenID connect is a superset of OAuth2, this method will also give the client the authorization needed to edit resources of the user.

In more practical terms, using OAuth2 alone will only return you a token that can be used to access the data with the scope that the app requested. Using OpenIDConnect will return the same access token as with OAuth2 plus an ID token JWT of the user. This ID token JWT will contain “claims” about the user which your app will need to properly know who they are. Here’s an example of how an ID token JWT should look like.


OpenID Connect should be used if you’re implementing “social signin”.

Quick auth script

Here’s a script that can help you get an access & refresh token + OpenID connect claims for your personal Google account.

Link: https://github.com/omarryhan/aiogoogle/blob/master/examples/auth/openid_connect.py

Steps to run:

  • Clone the repo

  • cd aiogoogle/examples

  • cp _keys.yaml keys.yaml

  • Fillout the following:
    • client_id

    • client_secret

    • scopes

  • cd aiogoogle/examples/auth

  • run python openid_connect.py

  • After the webbrowser opens and you authorize your app, a UserCreds JSON object and a User Info JSON object will be returned to your browser.

  • Copy the access token and refresh token and either paste them in keys.yaml if you’ll be using the examples directory. Or copy and paste them in your own code.

Integrate OpenID Connect in an existing web app

This works just like OAuth2 but with a few differences.

As before, we first redirect the user to the authorization prompt page.

def authorize(request):
    uri = aiogoogle.openid_connect.authorization_url(
            'client_id': '...',
            'client_secret': '...',
            'redirect_uri': '...',
            'scopes': [
        nonce='...'  # Random value that prevents replay attacks
    return response.redirect(uri)

After the user authorizes your app and gets redirected back to your domain, you should then request the access and refresh token.

The difference here is that aside from the full_user_creds dict, you also get the full_user_info dict. This dict has claims about the user. Here’s an example full_user_info dict:

    "iss": "https://accounts.google.com",
    "azp": "1234987819200.apps.googleusercontent.com",
    "aud": "1234987819200.apps.googleusercontent.com",
    "sub": "10769150350006150715113082367",
    "at_hash": "HK6E_P6Dh8Y93mRNtsDB1Q",
    "hd": "example.com",
    "email": "jsmith@example.com",
    "email_verified": "true",
    "iat": 1353601026,
    "exp": 1353604926,
    "nonce": "0394852-3190485-2490358"

You should use the sub claim to uniquely identify your user. Google guarantees that this claim will be unique, unlike the email (common mistake).

If you want to understand what the rest of the claims are used for, please head here.

async def callback(request):
    if request.args.get('error'):
        error = {
            'error': request.args.get('error'),
            'error_description': request.args.get('error_description')
        return response.json(error)

    elif request.args.get('code'):
        # Returns an access and refresh token
        full_user_creds = await aiogoogle.openid_connect.build_user_creds(
            nonce=nonce,  # Same nonce as above

        # A dict having claims of the user e.g. the sub claim and iat claim.
        # Check https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/openid-connect#an-id-tokens-payload for more info
        full_user_info = await aiogoogle.openid_connect.get_user_info(full_user_creds)

        # Here you should save both full_user_creds and full_user_info to a db if your app will be serving multiple users.
        return response.text(
            f"full_user_creds: {pprint.pformat(full_user_creds)}\n\nfull_user_info: {pprint.pformat(full_user_info)}"

        # Should either receive a code or an error
        return response.text("Something's probably wrong with your callback")


You should neither hand the user of your app their tokens nor their OpenID Connect claims.

This is only done here for convenience and for personal use.

Ideally, you’d want to store their info in a database on your backend.

Service account

A service account is a special kind of account that belongs to an application or a virtual machine (VM) instance but not a person. They are intended for scenarios where your application needs to access resources or perform actions on its own, such as running App Engine apps or interacting with Compute Engine instances.

There are a couple of authentication/authorization methods you can use with service accounts. We’ll only concern ourselves with the ones that will grant us access to Google APIs and not for any other purpose e.g. communicating with other servers on a different cloud, as this is out of scope.


OAuth2 is the most commonly used service account authorization method and the only one implemented by Aiogoogle. There are a couple of ways you can access Google APIs using OAuth2 tokens for service accounts:

1. By passing a user managed service account key:

Full example here.

import json
import asyncio
from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle
from aiogoogle.auth.creds import ServiceAccountCreds

service_account_key = json.load(open('test_service_account.json'))

creds = ServiceAccountCreds(

async def list_storage_buckets(project_id=creds["project_id"]):
    async with Aiogoogle(service_account_creds=creds) as aiogoogle:
        storage = await aiogoogle.discover("storage", "v1")
        res = await aiogoogle.as_service_account(

if __name__ == "__main__":

2. By pointing the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable at the location of the JSON key file.

Full example here.

First, set the environment variable, if not already set:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="location_of_key_file.json"


import asyncio
import print
from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle
from aiogoogle.auth.creds import ServiceAccountCreds

creds = ServiceAccountCreds(

async def list_storage_buckets(project_id=creds["project_id"]):
    aiogoogle = Aiogoogle(service_account_creds=creds)

    # Notice this line. Here, Aiogoogle loads the service account key.
    await aiogoogle.service_account_manager.detect_default_creds_source()

    async with aiogoogle:
        storage = await aiogoogle.discover("storage", "v1")
        res = await aiogoogle.as_service_account(


if __name__ == "__main__":

3. Automatic detection from Google Cloud SDK (Not supported yet):

This should call the Google Cloud SDK CLI and ask it for an access token without passing service_account_creds.

4. Automatic detection from Google App Engine environment (Not supported yet):

This should return an OAuth2 token for the service account and cache it for the App Engine application without passing service_account_creds.

5. Automatic detection from Google Compute Engine/Google Cloud Run/Google Cloud Functions environment

This should return an OAuth2 token from the Google Compute Engine metadata server, which means that you don’t have to pass service_account_creds, unless you want to specify scopes.

This should work the same as #2, but skip the part were you set the environment variable.

Full example here.


Other than the OAuth2 method, there are:

  • OpenID connect ID token (OIDC ID token)

  • Self-signed JWT credentials

  • Self-signed On-demand JWT credentials

  • Short lived tokens.

But they are not supported and you might want to consider another library if you want to use them.

Anonymous principal (API keys)

An API key is a simple string that you can get from Google Cloud Console.

Using an API key is suitable for when you only want to access public data.


async with Aiogoogle(api_key='...') as aiogoogle:
    google_api = await aiogoogle.discover('google_api', 'v1')
    result = await aiogoogle.as_api_key(

Discovery Service

Most of Google’s public APIs are documented/discoverable by a single API called the Discovery Service.

Google’s Discovery Serivce provides machine readable specifications known as discovery documents (similar to Swagger/OpenAPI). e.g. Google Books.

Aiogoogle is a Pythonic wrapper for discovery documents.

For a list of supported APIs, visit: Google’s APIs Explorer.

Discovery docs and the Aiogoogle object explained


Now that you have figured out which authentication scheme you are going to use and got your hands on an access and a refresh token, let’s make some API calls.

Assuming that you chose the: urlshortener v1 API:


As of March 30, 2019, the Google URL shortening service was shut down. So this only serves as an example.

Create a URL-shortener Google API instance

Let’s discover the urlshortener discovery document and create an Aiogoogle representation of it and call it url_shortener

import asyncio
from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle

async def create_api(name, version):
    async with Aiogoogle(
        user_creds={'access_token': '...', 'refresh_token': '...'}  # Or use the UserCreds object. Same thing.
    ) as aiogoogle:
        # Downloads the API specs and creates an API object
        return await aiogoogle.discover(name, version)

url_shortener = asyncio.run(
    create_api('urlshortener', 'v1')

Structure of an API

This is what the JSON representation of the discovery document we downloaded looks like.

|__ name
|__ version
|__ baseUrl
|__ Global Parameters
|__ Schemas
|__ Resources
    |__ Resources
        |_ Resources
        |_ Methods
    |__ Methods
|__ Methods
    |_ Path
    |_ Parameters
    |_ Request Body
    |_ Response Body

Full reference:.

You don’t have to worry about most of this. What’s important to understand right now is that a discovery service is just a way to specify the resources and methods of an API.

What are resources and methods?

It’s easier to explain this with an example. In the youtube-v3 API, a resource can be: videos and a method would be: list.

The way you would access the list method is by typing: youtube_v3.videos.list()

Some rules:

A resource can also have nested resources. e.g. youtube_v3.videos.comments.list()

There can be top level methods that are not associated with any resource. However, that’s not common.

Finally, the only way you can get data from a Google API is by calling a method. You can’t call a resource and expect data.

Next, we will programatically browse an API

Browse an API - Programatically

Back to the URL shortener API.

Let’s list the resources of the URL shortener API

>>> url_shortener['resources']

    'url': {


            'get': ...
            'insert': ...
            'list': ...

Now, let’s browse the resource called url

>>> url_resource = url_shortener.url

>>> url_resource.methods_available

It has the following methods available to call:

['get', 'insert', 'list']

Sometimes resources have nested resources

>>> url_resource.resources_available


This one doesn’t.

Let’s inspect the method called list of the url resource

>>> list_url = url_resource.list

Let’s see what this method does

>>> list_url['description']

"Retrieves a list of URLs shortened by a user."

Cool, now let’s see the optional parameters that this method accepts

>>> list_url.optional_parameters

['projection', 'start_token', 'alt', 'fields', 'key', 'oauth_token', 'prettyPrint', 'quotaUser']

And the required parameters

>>> list_url.required_parameters


Let’s check out what the start_token optional parameter is and how it should look like

>>> list_url.parameters['start_token']

    "type": "string",
    "description": "Token for requesting successive pages of results.",
    "location": "query"

Finally let’s create a request, that we’ll then send with Aiogoogle

>>> request = list_url(start_token='a_string', key='a_secret_key')

# Equivalent to:

>>> request = url_shortener.url.list(start_token='a_start_token', key='a_secret_key')

Here we passed the url.list method the parameters we want and an unsent request has been created

We can inspect the URL of the request by typing:

>>> request.url


Browse an API - Manually

Sometimes it’s easier to browse a discovery document manually instead of doing it through a Python terminal. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Download a JSON viewer on your browser of choice. e.g:

  2. Put your API name and version in this link and open the link in your browser:

  3. You’ll then get a human readable JSON document with a structure similar to the one you’ve seen above.

Let’s try to get a Youtube video rating using the “youtube-v3” api:

  1. Expand the resources property

  2. Expand the videos property (Which is a resource)

  3. Expand the methods property to see what methods this resource has

  4. Expand the getRating property (a method)

  5. Expand the parameters property to see the arguments that this method accepts

  6. Expand the id property (a parameter) which happens to be the only parameter being accepted

  7. Read the required property to see whether or not this property is required

  8. Read the type property to see the type of this parameter

  9. Now to create an unsent request using this method, you can type: youtube_v3.videos.getRating(id='an_id')

I hope you spot the pattern by now :)

Next we’ll be sending all the unsent requests that we’ve been creating.

Send a Request

Let’s create a coroutine that shortens URLs using an API key

When creating an Aiogoogle object, it defaults to using an Aiohttp session to send your requests with. More on changing the default session in this section.

import asyncio
from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle
from pprint import pprint

api_key = 'you_api_key'

async def shorten_urls(long_url):
    async with Aiogoogle(api_key=api_key) as aiogoogle:
        url_shortener = await aiogoogle.discover('urlshortener', 'v1')
        short_url = await aiogoogle.as_api_key(  # the request is being sent here

    return short_url

short_url = asyncio.run(shorten_urls('https://www.google.com'))
    "kind": "urlshortener#url",
    "id": "https://goo.gl/Dk2j",
    "longUrl": "https://www.google.com/"

Send Requests Concurrently

Now let’s shorten two URLs at the same time

import asyncio
from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle
from pprint import pprint

async def shorten_url(long_urls):
    async with Aiogoogle(api_key=api_key) as aiogoogle:
        url_shortener = await aiogoogle.discover('urlshortener', 'v1')
        short_urls = await aiogoogle.as_api_key(


    return short_urls

short_urls = asyncio.run(
        ['https://www.google.com', 'https://www.google.org']
        "kind": "urlshortener#url",
        "id": "https://goo.gl/Dk2j",
        "longUrl": "https://www.google.com/"
        "kind": "urlshortener#url",
        "id": "https://goo.gl/Dk23",
        "longUrl": "https://www.google.org/"

Send As API key


import asyncio, pprint
from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle

api_key = 'abc123'

async def translate_to_latin(words):
    async with Aiogoogle(api_key=api_key) as aiogoogle:
        language = await aiogoogle.discover('translate', 'v2')
        words = dict(q=[words], target='la')
        result = await aiogoogle.as_api_key(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    asyncio.run(translate_to_latin('Aiogoogle is awesome'))
    "data": {
        "translations": [
                "translatedText": "Aiogoogle est terribilis!",
                # Google probably meant "awesomelis", but whatever..
                "detectedSourceLanguage": "en"

Send As User

import asyncio
from aiogoogle import Aiogoole
from pprint import pprint

async def get_calendar_events():
    async with Aiogoogle(user_creds={'access_token': '...', 'refresh_token': '...'}) as aiogoogle:
        calendar_v3 = await aiogoogle.discover('calendar', 'v3')
        result = await aiogoogle.as_user(

    "kind": "calendar#events",
    "etag": "\"p33c910kumb6ts0g\"",
    "summary": "user@gmail.com",
    "updated": "2018-11-11T22:31:03.463Z",
    "timeZone": "Africa/Cairo",
    "accessRole": "owner",
    "defaultReminders": [
            "method": "popup",
            "minutes": 30
            "method": "email",
            "minutes": 30
    "nextPageToken": "CigKGjVkcXIxa20wdHJrOW0xMXN0YABIAGNiQgp6yzd4C",
    "items": [
            "kind": "calendar#event",
            "etag": "\"2784256013588000\"",
            "id": "asdasdasdasdasd",
            "status": "confirmed",
            "htmlLink": "https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=asdasdasdasdQG0",
            "created": "2014-02-11T14:13:26.000Z",
            "updated": "2014-02-11T14:13:26.794Z",
            "summary": "Do Something",
            "creator": {
                "email": "omarryhan@gmail.com",
                "displayName": "Omar Ryhan",
                "self": true
            "organizer": {
                "email": "omarryhan@gmail.com",
                "displayName": "Omar Ryhan",
                "self": true
            "start": {
                "date": "2014-03-07"
            "end": {
                "date": "2014-03-08"
            "iCalUID": "asdasdasd@google.com",
            "sequence": 0,
            "attendees": [
                    "email": "omarryhan@gmail.com",
                    "displayName": "Omar Ryhan",
                    "organizer": true,
                    "self": true,
                    "responseStatus": "accepted"
            "reminders": {
                "useDefault": false,
                "overrides": [
                        "method": "email",
                        "minutes": 450
                        "method": "popup",
                        "minutes": 30


You can find all examples in this directory. Some of them are listed here for convenience.

List Files on Google Drive

Full example here.

import asyncio
from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle

user_creds = {'access_token': '...', 'refresh_token': '...'}

async def list_files():
    async with Aiogoogle(user_creds=user_creds) as aiogoogle:
        drive_v3 = await aiogoogle.discover('drive', 'v3')
        json_res = await aiogoogle.as_user(
        for file in json_res['files']:



async def list_files():
    async with Aiogoogle(user_creds=user_creds) as aiogoogle:
        drive_v3 = await aiogoogle.discover('drive', 'v3')
        full_res = await aiogoogle.as_user(
    async for page in full_res:
        for file in page['files']:


Download a File from Google Drive

async def download_file(file_id, path):
    async with Aiogoogle(user_creds=user_creds) as aiogoogle:
        drive_v3 = await aiogoogle.discover('drive', 'v3')
        await aiogoogle.as_user(
            drive_v3.files.get(fileId=file_id, download_file=path, alt='media'),
asyncio.run(download_file('abc123', '/home/user/Desktop/my_file.zip'))

Upload a File to Google Drive

async def upload_file(path):
    async with Aiogoogle(user_creds=user_creds) as aiogoogle:
        drive_v3 = await aiogoogle.discover('drive', 'v3')
        await aiogoogle.as_user(

Upload a File to Google Drive using an AsyncIterable

Full example here.

List Your Contacts

import asyncio

async def list_contacts():
    aiogoogle = Aiogoogle(user_creds=user_creds)
    people_v1 = await aiogoogle.discover('people', 'v1')
    async with aiogoogle:
        contacts_book = await aiogoogle.as_user(
    async for page in contacts_book:
        for connection in page['connections']:


List Calendar Events

async def list_events():
    async with Aiogoogle(user_creds=user_creds) as aiogoogle:
        calendar_v3 = await aiogoogle.discover('calendar', 'v3')
        res = await aiogoogle.as_user(

Verify an Android In App Purchase

We disable raise_for_status here, to prevent raising an HTTP error on invalid purchases.

async def verify_purchase(token, package_name, product_id):
    async with Aiogoogle(
    ) as aiogoogle:
        publisher_api = await aiogoogle.discover('androidpublisher', 'v3')

        request = publisher_api.purchases.products.get(

        validation_result = await aiogoogle.as_service_account(

Check out https://github.com/omarryhan/aiogoogle/tree/master/examples for more.

Design and goals

Async framework agnostic

Aiogoogle does not and will not enforce the use of any async/await framework e.g. Asyncio, Curio or Trio. As a result, modules that handle io are made to be easily pluggable.

If you want to use Curio instead of Asyncio:

pip install aiogoogle[curio_asks]


import curio

from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle
from aiogoogle.sessions.curio_asks_session import CurioAsksSession

async def main():
    async with Aiogoogle(session_factory=CurioAsksSession) as aiogoogle:
        youtube = await aiogoogle.discover('youtube', 'v3')


Another e.g.


import curio, pprint

from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle
from aiogoogle.sessions.curio_asks_session import CurioAsksSession

async def list_events():
    async with Aiogoogle(user_creds=user_creds, client_creds=client_creds, session_factory=CurioAsksSession) as aiogoogle:
        calendar_v3 = await aiogoogle.discover('calendar', 'v3')
        events = await aiogoogle.as_user(

if __name__ == '__main__':

The same with asyncio would look like this:


import asyncio, pprint

from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle
from aiogoogle.sessions.aiohttp_session import AiohttpSession  # Default

async def list_events():
    async with Aiogoogle(user_creds=user_creds, client_creds=client_creds, session_factory=AiohttpSession) as aiogoogle:
        calendar_v3 = await aiogoogle.discover('calendar', 'v3')
        events = await aiogoogle.as_user(

if __name__ == '__main__':

And Trio:

pip install aiogoogle[trio_asks]

import trio, pprint

from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle
from aiogoogle.sessions.trio_asks_session import TrioAsksSession   # Default

async def list_events():
    async with Aiogoogle(user_creds=user_creds, client_creds=client_creds, session_factory=TrioAsksSession) as aiogoogle:
        calendar_v3 = await aiogoogle.discover('calendar', 'v3')
        events = await aiogoogle.as_user(

if __name__ == '__main__':

Lightweight and minimalistic

Aiogoogle is built to be as lightweight and extensible as possible so that both client facing applications and API libraries can use it.



class aiogoogle.client.Aiogoogle(session_factory=<class 'aiogoogle.sessions.aiohttp_session.AiohttpSession'>, api_key=None, user_creds=None, client_creds=None, service_account_creds=None)[source]

Bases: object

Main entry point for Aiogoogle.

This class acts as tiny wrapper around:

  1. Discovery Service v1 API

  2. Aiogoogle’s OAuth2 manager

  3. Aiogoogle’s API key manager

  4. Aiogoogle’s OpenID Connect manager

  5. Aiogoogle’s service account manager

  6. One of Aiogoogle’s implementations of a session object



In case you want to instantiate a custom session with initial parameters, you can pass an anonymous factory. e.g.

>>> sess = lambda: Session(your_custome_arg, your_custom_kwarg=True)
>>> aiogoogle = Aiogoogle(session_factory=sess)
async as_anon(*requests, timeout=None, full_res=False, raise_for_status=True)[source]

Sends unauthorized requests

  • *requests (aiogoogle.models.Request) – Requests objects typically created by aiogoogle.resource.Method.__call__

  • timeout (int) – Total timeout for all the requests being sent

  • full_res (bool) – If True, returns full HTTP response object instead of returning it’s content

  • raise_for_status (bool) – If True, raises an HTTP error on HTTP status codes >= 400

Return type:


async as_api_key(*requests, timeout=None, full_res=False, api_key=None, raise_for_status=True)[source]

Sends requests on behalf of self.api_key (OAuth2)

  • *requests (aiogoogle.models.Request) – Requests objects typically created by aiogoogle.resource.Method.__call__

  • timeout (int) – Total timeout for all the requests being sent

  • full_res (bool) – If True, returns full HTTP response object instead of returning it’s content

  • api_key (string) – If you pass an API key here, it will only be used for this one request.

  • raise_for_status (bool) – If True, raises an HTTP error on HTTP status codes >= 400

Return type:


async as_service_account(*requests, timeout=None, full_res=False, service_account_creds=None, raise_for_status=True)[source]

Sends requests on behalf of self.user_creds (OAuth2)

  • *requests (aiogoogle.models.Request) – Requests objects typically created by aiogoogle.resource.Method.__call__

  • timeout (int) – Total timeout for all the requests being sent

  • full_res (bool) – If True, returns full HTTP response object instead of returning it’s content

  • service_account_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.ServiceAccountCreds) – You only have to pass service_account_creds once, either here or when instantiating an instance of Aiogoogle.

  • raise_for_status (bool) – If True, raises an HTTP error on HTTP status codes >= 400

Return type:


async as_user(*requests, timeout=None, full_res=False, user_creds=None, raise_for_status=True)[source]

Sends requests on behalf of self.user_creds (OAuth2)

  • *requests (aiogoogle.models.Request) – Requests objects typically created by aiogoogle.resource.Method.__call__

  • timeout (int) – Total timeout for all the requests being sent

  • full_res (bool) – If True, returns full HTTP response object instead of returning it’s content

  • user_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.UserCreds) – If you pass user_creds here, they will only be used for this one request.

  • raise_for_status (bool) – If True, raises an HTTP error on HTTP status codes >= 400

Return type:


async discover(api_name, api_version=None, validate=False, *, disco_doc_ver: int | None = None)[source]

Donwloads a discovery document from Google’s Discovery Service V1 and sets it a aiogoogle.resource.GoogleAPI


It is recommended that you explicitly specify an API version.

When you leave the API version as None, Aiogoogle uses the list_api method to search for the best fit version of the given API name.

This will result in sending two http requests instead of just one.

  • api_name (str) – API name to discover. e.g.: “youtube”

  • api_version (str) – API version to discover e.g.: “v3” not “3” and not 3

  • validate (bool) – Set this to True to use this lib’s built in parameter validation logic. Note that you shouldn’t rely on this for critical user input validation.

  • disco_doc_ver – Specify which Google Discovery Service version to fetch a discovery document with. Useful for fetching discovery docs for Google APIs that aren’t supported by the default version of the Google Discovery Service Aiogoogle uses.


An object that will then be used to create API requests

Return type:




async list_api(name, preferred=None, fields=None)[source]


The discovery.apis.list method returns the list all APIs supported by the Google APIs Discovery Service.

The data for each entry is a subset of the Discovery Document for that API, and the list provides a directory of supported APIs.

If a specific API has multiple versions, each of the versions has its own entry in the list.


>>> await aiogoogle.list_api('youtube')

    "kind": "discovery#directoryList",
    "discoveryVersion": "v1",
    "items": [
            "kind": "discovery#directoryItem",
            "id": "youtube:v3",
            "name": "youtube",
            "version": "v3",
            "title": "YouTube Data API",
            "description": "Supports core YouTube features, such as uploading videos, creating and managing playlists, searching for content, and much more.",
            "discoveryRestUrl": "https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/youtube/v3/rest",
            "discoveryLink": "./apis/youtube/v3/rest",
            "icons": {
                "x16": "https://www.google.com/images/icons/product/youtube-16.png",
                "x32": "https://www.google.com/images/icons/product/youtube-32.png"
            "documentationLink": "https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3",
            "preferred": true
  • name (str) – Only include APIs with the given name.

  • preferred (bool) – Return only the preferred version of an API. “false” by default.

  • fields (str) – Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.

Return type:




async send(*args, **kwargs)[source]


class aiogoogle.resource.GoogleAPI(discovery_document, validate=False)

Bases: object

Creetes a representation of Google API given a discovery document

  • discovery_document (dict) – A discovery document

  • validate (bool) – Set this to True to use this lib’s built in parameter validation logic. Note that you shouldn’t rely on this for critical user input validation.

__getattr__(method_or_resource) Resource

Returns resources from an API


This method will first check in resources then will check in methods.


method_or_resource (str) – name of the top level method or resource


>>> google_service = GoogleAPI(google_service_discovery_doc)
>>> google_service.user

user resource @ google_service.com/api/v1/

A Resource or a Method

Return type:

aiogoogle.resource.Resource, aiogoogle.resource.Method




Returns items from the discovery document


>>> google_service = GoogleAPI(google_books_discovery_doc)
>>> google_service['name']


>>> google_service['id']


>>> google_service['version']


>>> google_service['documentationLink']


>>> google_service['oauth2']['scopes']

https://www.googleapis.com/auth/books: {

    description: "Manage your books"


Discovery Document Item

Return type:


property methods_available: List[str]

Returns names of the methods provided by this resource

property resources_available: List[str]

Returns names of the resources in a given API if any


class aiogoogle.resource.Resource(name, resource_specs, global_parameters, schemas, root_url, service_path, batch_path, validate)

Bases: object


Returns either a method or a nested resource


method_or_resource – Name of the method or resource desired.


A Resource or a Method

Return type:

aiogoogle.resource.Resource, aiogoogle.resource.Methods


This method will first check in nested resources then will check in methods.



property methods_available: List[str]

Returns the names of the methods that this resource provides

property resources_available: List[str]

Returns the names of the nested resources in this resource


class aiogoogle.resource.Method(name, method_specs, global_parameters, schemas, root_url, service_path, batch_path, validate)

Bases: object

__call__(validate=None, data=None, json=None, upload_file=None, pipe_from=None, download_file=None, pipe_to=None, timeout=None, path_params_safe_chars={}, **uri_params) Request

Builds a request from this method


  • When passing datetime.datetime or datetime.date pass them in json format.

  • Aiogoogle won’t do that as it would be a big hassle to iterate over every item in *uri_params, json and data to check if there’s any datetime objects.

  • Fortunately Python makes it really easy to achieve that.

  • Instead of passing say datetime.datetime.utcnow(), pass: datetime.datetime.utcnow().jsonformat()


  • All None values are ommited before sending to Google apis, if you want to explicitly pass a JSON null then pass it as "null" not None

  • validate (bool) – Overrides :param: aiogoogle.Aiogoole.validate if not None

  • json (dict) – Json body

  • data (any) – Data body (Bytes, text, www-url-form-encoded and others)

  • upload_file (str) – full path of file to upload

  • download_file (str) – full path of file to download to

  • timeout (str) – total timeout for this request

  • path_params_safe_chars (dict) – Dictionary of safe characters for each path parameter.

  • **uri_params (dict) – path and query, required and optional parameters


An unsent request object

Return type:




>>> self['description']

"method description"

>>> self['scopes']

['returns', 'scopes', 'required', 'by', 'this', 'method', 'in', 'a', 'list']

>>> self['supportsMediaDownload']


>>> self['supportsMediaUpload']


>>> self['httpMethod']



Using this method with scopes as an argument can be useful for incremental authorization. (Requesting scopes when needed. As opposed to requesting them at once)

for more: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2WebServer#incrementalAuth

property optional_parameters: List[str]

Optional Parameters


List of the names of optional parameters this method takes

Return type:


property optional_query_parameters: List[str]

Optional Query Parameters


List of the names of optional query parameters this method takes

Return type:


property parameters: dict

Parameters property


All parameters that this method can take as described in the discovery document

Return type:


property path_parameters: List[str]

Path Parameters


List of the names of path parameters this method takes

Return type:


property query_parameters: List[str]

Query Parameters


List of the names of Query parameters this method takes

Return type:


property request: dict

Returns expected request body

property required_parameters: List[str]

Required Parameters


List of the names of required parameters this method takes

Return type:


property required_query_parameters: List[str]

Required Query Parameters


List of the names of required query parameters this method takes

Return type:


property response: dict

Retruns expected response body


class aiogoogle.auth.creds.ApiKey[source]

Bases: str

class aiogoogle.auth.creds.ClientCreds(client_id=None, client_secret=None, scopes=None, redirect_uri=None)[source]

Bases: _dict

OAuth2 Client Credentials Dictionary


Scopes: [‘openid’, ‘email’, ‘https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.force-ssl’]


OAuth2 client ID




OAuth2 client secret




List of scopes that this client should request from resource server




client’s redirect uri



class aiogoogle.auth.creds.ServiceAccountCreds(type=None, project_id=None, private_key_id=None, private_key=None, client_email=None, client_id=None, auth_uri=None, token_uri=None, auth_provider_x509_cert_url=None, client_x509_cert_url=None, subject=None, scopes=None, additional_claims=None)[source]

Bases: _dict

Service account key (the one you download from Google Cloud Console) + some additional optional attributes. If you have created the service account using Google’s IAM REST API, rather than downloading it using gcloud or Google’s cloud console, the downloaded JSON key file will look different. Check here: https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/creating-managing-service-account-keys#creating_service_account_keys to be able to pass the correct info to this data model.


Should be “service_account”




Your project ID




Private key ID




RSA Private key




service account email




service account ID




Auth URI




Token URI




Auth provider cert URL




Cert URL




Scopes to request during the authorization grant.




For domain-wide delegation, the email address of the user to for which to request delegated access.




Any additional claims for the JWT assertion used in the authorization grant.


Mapping[str, str]


service_account_creds = ServiceAccountCreds(

# or

service_account_creds = {
    "scopes": ["..."],
class aiogoogle.auth.creds.UserCreds(access_token=None, refresh_token=None, expires_in=None, expires_at=None, scopes=None, id_token=None, id_token_jwt=None, token_type=None, token_uri=None, token_info_uri=None, revoke_uri=None)[source]

Bases: _dict

OAuth2 User Credentials Dictionary


Access Token




Refresh Token




seconds till expiry from creation




JSON datetime ISO 8601 expiry datetime




list of scopes owned by access token




Decoded OpenID JWT




Encoded OpenID JWT








URI where this token was issued from




URI where one could get more info about this token




URI where this token should be revoked



Auth Managers


  • Aiogoogle is an async-framework agnosting library. As a result, adding file IO OR credentials storage capabilities for user credentials would add unneeded complexity.

  • Credentials are an instance of dict and are guaranteed to only contain JSON types (str, number, array, JSONSCHEMA datetime and ISO8601 datetime, etc) to make them easily serializable.

class aiogoogle.auth.managers.ApiKeyManager(api_key=None)[source]

Bases: object

authorize(request, key=None) Request[source]

Adds API Key authorization query argument to URL of a request given an API key


Request with API key in URL

Return type:


class aiogoogle.auth.managers.Oauth2Manager(session_factory=<class 'aiogoogle.sessions.aiohttp_session.AiohttpSession'>, client_creds=None)[source]

Bases: object

OAuth2 manager that only supports Authorization Code Flow (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-1.3.1)

  • session_factory (aiogoogle.sessions.AbstractSession) – A session implementation

  • verify (bool) – whether or not to verify tokens fetched


Gets Google’s openID configs


  • response_types_supported

  • scopes_supported

  • claims_supported

authorization_url(client_creds=None, state=None, access_type=None, include_granted_scopes=None, login_hint=None, prompt=None, response_type='code', scopes=None) str[source]

First step of OAuth2 authoriztion code flow. Creates an OAuth2 authorization URI.

  • client_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.ClientCreds) –

    A client_creds object/dictionary containing the following items:

    • client_id

    • scopes

    • redirect_uri

  • scopes (list) –

    List of OAuth2 scopes to ask for

    • Optional

    • Overrides the list of scopes specified in client creds

  • state (str) –

    A CSRF token

    • Optional

    • Specifies any string value that your application uses to maintain state between your authorization request and the authorization server’s response.

    • The server returns the exact value that you send as a name=value pair in the hash (#) fragment of the redirect_uri after the user consents to or denies your application’s access request.

    • You can use this parameter for several purposes, such as:

      • Directing the user to the correct resource in your application

      • Sending nonces

      • Mitigating cross-site request forgery.

    • If no state is passed, this method will generate and add a secret token to user_creds['state'].

    • Since your redirect_uri can be guessed, using a state value can increase your assurance that an incoming connection is the result of an authentication request.

    • If you generate a random string or encode the hash of a cookie or another value that captures the client’s state, you can validate the response to additionally ensure that the request and response originated in the same browser, providing protection against attacks such as cross-site request forgery.

  • access_type (str) –

    Indicates whether your application can refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser. Options:

    • Optional

    • "online" Default

    • "offline" Choose this for a refresheable/long-term access token

  • include_granted_scopes (bool) –

    • Optional

    • Enables applications to use incremental authorization to request access to additional scopes in context.

    • If you set this parameter’s value to True and the authorization request is granted, then the new access token will also cover any scopes to which the user previously granted the application access.

  • login_hint (str) –

    • Optional

    • If your application knows which user is trying to authenticate, it can use this parameter to provide a hint to the Google Authentication Server.

    • The server uses the hint to simplify the login flow either by prefilling the email field in the sign-in form or by selecting the appropriate multi-login session.

    • Set the parameter value to an email address or sub identifier, which is equivalent to the user’s Google ID.

    • This can help you avoid problems that occur if your app logs in the wrong user account.

  • prompt (str) –

    • Optional

    • A space-delimited, case-sensitive list of prompts to present the user.

    • If you don’t specify this parameter, the user will be prompted only the first time your app requests access.

    • Possible values are:

      • None : Default: Do not display any authentication or consent screens. Must not be specified with other values.

      • 'consent' : Prompt the user for consent.

      • 'select_account' : Prompt the user to select an account.

  • response_type (str) –

    • Optional

    • OAuth2 response type

    • Defaults to Authorization Code Flow response type


  • It is highly recommended that you don’t leave state as None in production.

  • To effortlessly create a random secret to pass it as a state token, you can use aiogoogle.auth.utils.create_secret()


A Note About Scopes:

  • For a list of all of Google’s available scopes: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes

  • It is recommended that your application requests access to authorization scopes in context whenever possible.

  • By requesting access to user data in context, via incremental authorization, you help users to more easily understand why your application needs the access it is requesting.


  • When listening for a callback after redirecting a user to the URL returned from this method, take the following into consideration:

    • If your response endpoint renders an HTML page, any resources on that page will be able to see the authorization code in the URL.

    • Scripts can read the URL directly, and the URL in the Referer HTTP header may be sent to any or all resources on the page.

    • Carefully consider whether you want to send authorization credentials to all resources on that page (especially third-party scripts such as social plugins and analytics).

    • To avoid this issue, it’s recommend that the server first handle the request, then redirect to another URL that doesn’t include the response parameters.


from aiogoogle.auth.utils import create_secret
from aiogoogle import ClinetCreds

client_creds = ClientCreds(
    scopes=['first.scope', 'second.scope'],

state = create_secret()

auth_uri = oauth2.authorization_url(

An Authorization URI

Return type:


static authorize(request: Request, user_creds: dict) Request[source]

Adds OAuth2 authorization headers to requests given user creds


Request with OAuth2 authorization header

Return type:


static authorized_for_method(method, user_creds) bool[source]

Checks if oauth2 user_creds dict has sufficient scopes for a method call.


This method doesn’t check whether creds are refreshed or valid.



is_authorized = authorized_for_method(youtube.video.list)

NOT correct:

is_authorized = authorized_for_method(youtube.video.list())

AND NOT correct:

is_authorized = authorized_for_method(youtube.videos)
Return type:


async build_user_creds(grant, client_creds=None, grant_type='authorization_code') dict[source]

Second step of Oauth2 authrization code flow. Creates a User Creds object with access and refresh token

  • grant (str) –

    • Aka: “code”.

    • The code received at your redirect URI from the auth callback

  • client_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.ClientCreds) –

    • Dict with client_id and client_secret items

  • grant_type (str) –

    • Optional

    • OAuth2 grant type

    • defaults to code (Authorization code flow)


User Credentials with the following items:

  • access_token

  • refresh_token

  • expires_in (JSON format ISO 8601)

  • token_type always set to bearer

  • scopes

Return type:



aiogoogle.excs.AuthError – Auth Error

async get_me_info(user_creds)[source]

Gets information of a user given his access token. User must also be the client. (Not sure whether or not that’s the main purpose of this endpoint and how it differs from get_user_info. If someone can confirm/deny the description above, please edit (or remove) this message and make a pull request)


user_creds (aiogoogle.creds.UserCreds) – UserCreds instance with an access token


Info about the user

Return type:




async get_token_info(user_creds)[source]

Gets token info given an access token


user_creds (aiogoogle.creds.UserCreds) – UserCreds instance with an access token


Info about the token

Return type:


static is_expired(creds) bool[source]

Checks if user_creds expired


user_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.UserCreds) – User Credentials

Return type:



Checks passed client_creds whether or not the client has enough information to perform OAuth2 Authorization code flow


client_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.ClientCreds) – Client credentials object

Return type:


async refresh(user_creds, client_creds=None)[source]

Refreshes user_creds


If the token is refreshed or not aiogoogle.creds.UserCreds: Refreshed user credentials

Return type:



aiogoogle.excs.AuthError – Auth Error

async revoke(user_creds)[source]

Revokes user_creds

In some cases a user may wish to revoke access given to an application. A user can revoke access by visiting Account Settings. It is also possible for an application to programmatically revoke the access given to it. Programmatic revocation is important in instances where a user unsubscribes or removes an application. In other words, part of the removal process can include an API request to ensure the permissions granted to the application are removed.


user_creds (aiogoogle.auth.Creds) – UserCreds with an access_token item

Return type:




class aiogoogle.auth.managers.OpenIdConnectManager(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Oauth2Manager

authorization_url(client_creds=None, nonce=None, state=None, prompt=None, display=None, login_hint=None, access_type=None, include_granted_scopes=None, openid_realm=None, hd=None, response_type='code', scopes=None)[source]

First step of OAuth2 authoriztion code flow. Creates an OAuth2 authorization URI.

  • client_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.ClientCreds) –

    A client_creds object/dictionary containing the following items:

    • client_id

    • scopes

      • The scope value must begin with the string openid and then include profile or email or both.

    • redirect_uri

  • nonce (str) – A random value generated by your app that enables replay protection.

  • scopes (list) –

    List of OAuth2 scopes to ask for

    • Optional

    • Overrides the list of scopes specified in client creds

    • Some OpenID scopes that you can include: [‘email’, ‘profile’, ‘openid’]

  • display (str) –

    • Optional

    • An ASCII string value for specifying how the authorization server displays the authentication and consent user interface pages.

    • The following values are specified, and accepted by the Google servers, but do not have any effect on its behavior:

      • page

      • popup

      • touch

      • wap

  • state (str) –

    A CSRF token

    • Optional

    • Specifies any string value that your application uses to maintain state between your authorization request and the authorization server’s response.

    • The server returns the exact value that you send as a name=value pair in the hash (#) fragment of the redirect_uri after the user consents to or denies your application’s access request.

    • You can use this parameter for several purposes, such as:

      • Directing the user to the correct resource in your application

      • Sending nonces

      • Mitigating cross-site request forgery.

    • If no state is passed, this method will generate and add a secret token to user_creds['state'].

    • Since your redirect_uri can be guessed, using a state value can increase your assurance that an incoming connection is the result of an authentication request.

    • If you generate a random string or encode the hash of a cookie or another value that captures the client’s state, you can validate the response to additionally ensure that the request and response originated in the same browser, providing protection against attacks such as cross-site request forgery.

  • access_type (str) –

    Indicates whether your application can refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser. Options:

    • Optional

    • "online" Default

    • "offline" Choose this for a refresheable/long-term access token

  • include_granted_scopes (bool) –

    • Optional

    • Enables applications to use incremental authorization to request access to additional scopes in context.

    • If you set this parameter’s value to True and the authorization request is granted, then the new access token will also cover any scopes to which the user previously granted the application access.

  • login_hint (str) –

    • Optional

    • If your application knows which user is trying to authenticate, it can use this parameter to provide a hint to the Google Authentication Server.

    • The server uses the hint to simplify the login flow either by prefilling the email field in the sign-in form or by selecting the appropriate multi-login session.

    • Set the parameter value to an email address or sub identifier, which is equivalent to the user’s Google ID.

    • This can help you avoid problems that occur if your app logs in the wrong user account.

  • prompt (str) –

    • Optional

    • A space-delimited, case-sensitive list of prompts to present the user.

    • If you don’t specify this parameter, the user will be prompted only the first time your app requests access.

    • Possible values are:

      • None : Default: Do not display any authentication or consent screens. Must not be specified with other values.

      • 'consent' : Prompt the user for consent.

      • 'select_account' : Prompt the user to select an account.

  • openid_realm (str) –

    • Optional

    • openid.realm is a parameter from the OpenID 2.0 protocol.

    • It is used in OpenID 2.0 requests to signify the URL-space for which an authentication request is valid.

    • Use openid.realm if you are migrating an existing application from OpenID 2.0 to OpenID Connect.

    • For more details, see Migrating off of OpenID 2.0. https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenID2Migration

  • hd (str) –

    • Optional

    • The hd (hosted domain) parameter streamlines the login process for G Suite hosted accounts.

    • By including the domain of the G Suite user (for example, mycollege.edu), you can indicate that the account selection UI should be optimized for accounts at that domain.

    • To optimize for G Suite accounts generally instead of just one domain, use an asterisk: hd=*.

    • Don’t rely on this UI optimization to control who can access your app, as client-side requests can be modified.

    • Be sure to validate that the returned ID token has an hd claim value that matches what you expect (e.g. mycolledge.edu).

    • Unlike the request parameter, the ID token claim is contained within a security token from Google, so the value can be trusted.

  • response_type (str) –

    • Optional

    • OAuth2 response type

    • Defaults to Authorization Code Flow response type


It is highly recommended that you don’t leave state as None in production

To effortlessly create a random secret to pass it as a state token, you can use aiogoogle.auth.utils.create_secret()


A Note About Scopes:

  • You can mix OAuth2 scopes with OpenID connect scopes. e.g.: openid email https://www.googleapis.com/auth/urlshortener

  • For a list of all of Google’s available scopes: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes

  • It is recommended that your application requests access to authorization scopes in context whenever possible.

  • By requesting access to user data in context, via incremental authorization, you help users to more easily understand why your application needs the access it is requesting.


  • When listening for a callback after redirecting a user to the URL returned from this method, take the following into consideration:

    • If your response endpoint renders an HTML page, any resources on that page will be able to see the authorization code in the URL.

    • Scripts can read the URL directly, and the URL in the Referer HTTP header may be sent to any or all resources on the page.

    • Carefully consider whether you want to send authorization credentials to all resources on that page (especially third-party scripts such as social plugins and analytics).

    • To avoid this issue, it’s recommend that the server first handle the request, then redirect to another URL that doesn’t include the response parameters.


from aiogoogle.auth.utils import create_secret
from aiogoogle import ClinetCreds

client_creds = ClientCreds(
    scopes=['first.scope', 'second.scope'],

state = create_secret()
nonce = create_secret()

auth_uri = openid_connect.authorization_url(

An Authorization URI

Return type:


async build_user_creds(grant, client_creds=None, grant_type='authorization_code', nonce=None, hd=None, verify=True)[source]

Second step of Oauth2 authrization code flow and OpenID connect. Creates a User Creds object with access and refresh token

  • grant (str) –

    • Aka: “code”.

    • The code received at your redirect URI from the auth callback

  • client_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.ClientCreds) –

    • Dict with client_id and client_secret items

  • grant_type (str) –

    • Optional

    • OAuth2 grant type

    • defaults to code (Authorization code flow)

  • nonce (str) –

    • Random value that prevents replay attacks

    • pass the one you used with self.authorization_url() method

  • hd (str) –

    • Optional

    • hosted domain for G-suite

    • used for id_token verification

  • verify (str) –

    • Optional

    • Whether or not to verify the received id_token

    • Unless you’re building a speed critical application AND you’re receiving your tokens directly from Google, you should leave this as True.


User Credentials with the following items:

  • access_token

  • refresh_token

  • expires_in (JSON format ISO 8601)

  • token_type always set to bearer

  • scopes

Return type:



aiogoogle.excs.AuthError – Auth Error

async decode_and_validate(id_token_jwt, client_id=None, nonce=None, hd=None)[source]

Decodes then validates an openid_connect jwt with Google’s oaauth2 certificates

  • id_token_jwt (str) – Found in :class:aiogoogle.auth.creds.UserCreds

  • client_id (str) – If provided will validate token’s audience (‘aud’)

  • nonce (str) – If provided, will validate the nonce provided at authorization

  • hd (str) – If provided, will validate client’s hosted domain


Decoded OpenID connect JWT

Return type:


async get_token_info_jwt(user_creds)[source]

get token info using id_token_jwt instead of access_token self.get_token_info


user_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.UserCreds) – user_creds with id_token_jwt item


Information about the token

Return type:


async get_user_info(user_creds)[source]


People: getOpenIdConnect

Get user information after performing an OpenID connect flow.

Use this method instead of people.get (Google+ API) when you need the OpenID Connect format.

This method is not discoverable nor is it in the Google API client libraries.

To learn more, see OpenID Connect for sign-in. https://developers.google.com/+/web/api/rest/openidconnect/index.html


>>> await get_user_info(user_creds)
    "kind": "plus#personOpenIdConnect",
    "gender": string,
    "sub": string,
    "name": string,
    "given_name": string,
    "family_name": string,
    "profile": string,
    "picture": string,
    "email": string,
    "email_verified": "true",
    "locale": string,
    "hd": string

user_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.UserCreds) – User credentials

class aiogoogle.auth.managers.ServiceAccountManager(session_factory=<class 'aiogoogle.sessions.aiohttp_session.AiohttpSession'>, creds=None)[source]

Bases: object

authorize(request, access_token=None)[source]

Adds the access token generated from the refresh method to the request’s header


Request with an OAuth2 bearer access token

Return type:


async detect_default_creds_source()[source]

Detects the most suitable method of service account authorization.

No need to call this method if you’ve already passed a service account private key to this object, i.e. Aiogoogle(service_account_creds={"private_key": "..."}) or Aiogoogle(service_account_creds=json.load(open('service_account_key.json')) If you didn’t, then you should ideally call it only once, after you instantiate this object.

Should follow Google’s default sequence (Loads creds from the first one that succeeds):

  1. Loads service account creds from environment “GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS”

  2. Google Cloud SDK default credentials (Not yet available)

  3. Google App Engine default credentials (Not yet available)

  4. Compute Engine default credentials



async refresh()[source]

Ensures that there’s an unexpired access token.


If the token is refreshed or not.

Return type:



exception aiogoogle.excs.AiogoogleError[source]

Bases: Exception

exception aiogoogle.excs.AuthError(msg, req=None, res=None)[source]

Bases: HTTPError

exception aiogoogle.excs.HTTPError(msg, req=None, res=None)[source]

Bases: AiogoogleError

exception aiogoogle.excs.ValidationError[source]

Bases: AiogoogleError

Raised when the validate flag is set true and a validation error occurs


class aiogoogle.models.MediaDownload(file_path=None, chunk_size=None, pipe_to=None)[source]

Bases: object

Media Download

  • file_path (str) – Full path of the file to be downloaded

  • chunksize (int) – Size of a chunk of bytes that a session should write at a time when downloading.

  • pipe_to (object) – class object to stream file content to

class aiogoogle.models.MediaUpload(file_path_or_bytes, upload_path=None, mime_range=None, max_size=None, multipart=False, chunk_size=None, resumable=None, validate=True, pipe_from=None)[source]

Bases: object

Media Upload

  • file_path_or_bytes (str, bytes) – Full path or content of the file to be uploaded

  • upload_path (str) – The URI path to be used for upload. Should be used in conjunction with the rootURL property at the API-level.

  • mime_range (list) – list of MIME Media Ranges for acceptable media uploads to this method.

  • max_size (int) – Maximum size of a media upload in bytes

  • multipart (bool) – True if this endpoint supports upload multipart media.

  • chunksize (int) – Size of a chunk of bytes that a session should read at a time when uploading in multipart.

  • resumable (aiogoogle.models.ResumableUplaod) – A ResumableUpload object

  • validate (bool) – Whether or not a session should validate the upload size before sending

  • pipe_from (file object, AsyncIterable) – class object to stream file content from

async aiter_file(aiter_func)[source]
async read_file(read_func)[source]
async run_validation(size_func)[source]
class aiogoogle.models.Request(method=None, url=None, batch_url=None, headers=None, json=None, data=None, media_upload=None, media_download=None, timeout=None, callback=None, _verify_ssl=True, upload_file_content_type=None)[source]

Bases: object

Request class for the whole library. Auth Managers, GoogleAPI and Sessions should all use this.


For HTTP body, only pass one of the following params:

  • json: json as a dict

  • data: www-url-form-encoded form as a dict/ bytes/ text/

  • method (str) – HTTP method as a string (upper case) e.g. ‘GET’

  • url (str) – full url as a string. e.g. ‘https://example.com/api/v1/resource?filter=filter#something

  • batch_url (str) – full url of for sending this request in a batch

  • json (dict) – json as a dict

  • data (any) – www-url-form-encoded form as a dict/ bytes/ text/

  • headers (dict) – headers as a dict

  • media_download (aiogoogle.models.MediaDownload) – MediaDownload object

  • media_upload (aiogoogle.models.MediaUpload) – MediaUpload object

  • timeout (int) – Individual timeout for this request

  • callback (callable) – Synchronous callback that takes the content of the response as the only argument. Should also return content.

  • _verify_ssl (boolean) – Defaults to True.

  • upload_file_content_type (str) – Optional content-type header string. In case you don’t want to use the default application/octet-stream (Or whatever is auto-detected by your transport handler)

classmethod batch_requests(*requests)[source]

Given many requests, will create a batch request per https://developers.google.com/discovery/v1/batch


*requests (aiogoogle.models.Request) – Request objects

Return type:


classmethod from_response(response)[source]
class aiogoogle.models.Response(status_code=None, headers=None, url=None, json=None, data=None, reason=None, req=None, download_file=None, pipe_to=None, upload_file=None, pipe_from=None, session_factory=None, auth_manager=None, user_creds=None)[source]

Bases: object

Respnse Object

  • status_code (int) – HTTP Status code

  • headers (dict) – HTTP response headers

  • url (str) – Request URL

  • json (dict) – Json Response if any

  • data (any) – data

  • reason (str) – reason for http error if any

  • req (aiogoogle.models.Request) – request that caused this response

  • download_file (str) – path of the download file specified in the request

  • pipe_to (object) – class object to stream file content to specified in the request.

  • upload_file (str) – path of the upload file specified in the request

  • pipe_from (file object) – class object to stream file content from

  • session_factory (aiogoogle.sessions.abc.AbstractSession) – A callable implementation of aiogoogle’s session interface

  • auth_manager (aiogoogle.auth.managers.ServiceAccountManager) – Service account authorization manager.

  • user_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.UserCreds) – user_creds to make an api call with.

__call__(session_factory=None, req_token_name=None, res_token_name=None, json_req=False)[source]

Returns a generator that yields the contents of the next pages if any (and this page as well)

  • session_factory (aiogoogle.sessions.abc.AbstractSession) – A session factory

  • req_token_name (str) –

    • name of the next_page token in the request

    • Default: “pageToken”

  • res_token_name (str) –

    • name of the next_page token in json response

    • Default: “nextPageToken”

  • json_req (dict) – Normally, nextPageTokens should be sent in URL query params. If you want it in A json body, set this to True


self._next_page_generator (staticmethod)

Return type:

async generator

property content

Equals either self.json or self.data

property error_msg
next_page(req_token_name=None, res_token_name=None, json_req=False) Request[source]

Method that returns a request object that requests the next page of a resource

  • req_token_name (str) –

    • name of the next_page token in the request

    • Default: “pageToken”

  • res_token_name (str) –

    • name of the next_page token in json response

    • Default: “nextPageToken”

  • json_req (dict) – Normally, nextPageTokens should be sent in URL query params. If you want it in A json body, set this to True

Return type:

A request object (aiogoogle.models.Request)

class aiogoogle.models.ResumableUpload(multipart=None, chunk_size=None, upload_path=None)[source]

Bases: object

Resumable Upload Object. Works in conjuction with media upload

  • file_path (str) – Full path of the file to be uploaded

  • upload_path (str) – The URI path to be used for upload. Should be used in conjunction with the rootURL property at the API-level.

  • multipart (bool) – True if this endpoint supports upload multipart media.

  • chunk_size (int) – Size of a chunk of bytes that a session should read at a time when uploading in multipart.




A simple instance validation module for Discovery schemas. Unfrtunately, Google uses a slightly modified version of JSONschema draft3 (mix of jsonschema and protobuf). As a result, using an external library to validate Discovery schemas will raise lots of errors. I tried to modify the popular: https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema to make it work with Google’s version, but it was just too complicated for the relatively simple task on our hands. If you face any problems with aiogoogle’s validation, you can always turn it off by either passing: method.__call__(validate=False) or turning it off for the whole API by passing aiogoogle.discover(validate=False)

This module misses a lot of the features provided with more advanced jsonschema validators e.g.

  1. collecting all validation errors and raising them all at once

  2. more descriptive errors with nice tracebacks

  3. Validating repeatable instances

  4. additionalItems

and more: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-03

aiogoogle.validate.validate(instance, schema, schemas=None, schema_name=None)[source]
  • Instance – Instance to validate

  • schema – schema to validate instance against

  • schemas – Full schamas dict to resolve refs if any

  • schema_name – Name of the schema (Useful if you want more meaningful errors)


class aiogoogle.sessions.aiohttp_session.AiohttpSession(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ClientSession, AbstractSession

class aiogoogle.sessions.curio_asks_session.CurioAsksSession(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Session, AbstractSession

class aiogoogle.sessions.trio_asks_session.TrioAsksSession(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Session, AbstractSession

Tips and hints

  1. For a more efficient use of your quota use partial responses.

Contribute 🙋

There’s a bunch you can do to help regardless of your experience level:

  1. Features, chores and bug reports:

    Please refer to the Github issue tracker where they are posted.

  2. Examples:

    You can add examples to the examples folder

  3. Testing:

    Add more tests, the library is currently a bit undertested

Take your pick :)

Development notes

To run the test suite

  1. Install tox

  2. Run $ tox in the root of the project.

  3. For extra configs, check out the tox.ini file.

To upload a new version

Bump the version

In: aiogoogle/__version__.py

Push a new tag

Make a new Git tag then push it.

$ git tag -a 1.0.1 -m "New version :tada:" master
$ git push --tags

Publish release

Then go to Github -> Releases -> Click on the tag -> Write a release title and description -> Hit the publish release button.

The publish.yml Github action should take it from there. It will build and then upload the new package to Pypi.

To install the local version of the aiogoogle instead of the latest one on Pip

$ pip uninstall aiogoogle
$ cd {cloned_aiogoogle_repo_with_your_local_changes}
$ pip install -e .

Now you can import aiogoogle from anywhere in your FS and make it use your local version