Source code for aiogoogle.models

from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, urlencode, parse_qs
from typing import AsyncIterable
import pprint

from .excs import HTTPError, AuthError, ValidationError


[docs]class ResumableUpload: """ Resumable Upload Object. Works in conjuction with media upload Arguments: file_path (str): Full path of the file to be uploaded upload_path (str): The URI path to be used for upload. Should be used in conjunction with the rootURL property at the API-level. multipart (bool): True if this endpoint supports upload multipart media. chunk_size (int): Size of a chunk of bytes that a session should read at a time when uploading in multipart. """ def __init__(self, multipart=None, chunk_size=None, upload_path=None): self.upload_path = upload_path self.multipart = multipart self.chunk_size = chunk_size or DEFAULT_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE
[docs]class MediaUpload: """ Media Upload Arguments: file_path_or_bytes (str, bytes): Full path or content of the file to be uploaded upload_path (str): The URI path to be used for upload. Should be used in conjunction with the rootURL property at the API-level. mime_range (list): list of MIME Media Ranges for acceptable media uploads to this method. max_size (int): Maximum size of a media upload in bytes multipart (bool): True if this endpoint supports upload multipart media. chunksize (int): Size of a chunk of bytes that a session should read at a time when uploading in multipart. resumable (aiogoogle.models.ResumableUplaod): A ResumableUpload object validate (bool): Whether or not a session should validate the upload size before sending pipe_from (file object, AsyncIterable): class object to stream file content from """ def __init__( self, file_path_or_bytes, upload_path=None, mime_range=None, max_size=None, multipart=False, chunk_size=None, resumable=None, validate=True, pipe_from=None ): if isinstance(file_path_or_bytes, bytes): self.file_body = file_path_or_bytes self.file_path = None else: self.file_body = None self.file_path = file_path_or_bytes self.upload_path = upload_path self.mime_range = mime_range self.max_size = max_size self.multipart = multipart self.chunk_size = chunk_size or DEFAULT_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE self.resumable = resumable self.validate = validate self.pipe_from = pipe_from
[docs] async def run_validation(self, size_func): if self.validate and self.max_size: size = await size_func(self.file_path) if self.file_path else len(self.file_body) if size > self.max_size: raise ValidationError( f'"{self}" has a size of {size / 1000}KB. ' f'Max upload size for this endpoint is: ' f'{self.max_size / 1000}KB.' )
[docs] async def aiter_file(self, aiter_func): if self.file_path: async for chunk in aiter_func(self.file_path, self.chunk_size): yield chunk elif self.pipe_from: if isinstance(self.pipe_from, AsyncIterable): async for chunk in self.pipe_from: yield chunk else: yield else: async for chunk in self._aiter_body(): yield chunk
async def _aiter_body(self): for x in range(0, len(self.file_body), self.chunk_size): yield self.file_body[x:x + self.chunk_size]
[docs] async def read_file(self, read_func): return self.file_body or await read_func(self.file_path)
def __str__(self): return self.file_path or "File object"
[docs]class MediaDownload: """ Media Download Arguments: file_path (str): Full path of the file to be downloaded chunksize (int): Size of a chunk of bytes that a session should write at a time when downloading. pipe_to (object): class object to stream file content to """ def __init__(self, file_path=None, chunk_size=None, pipe_to=None): self.file_path = file_path self.pipe_to = pipe_to self.chunk_size = chunk_size or DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE
[docs]class Request: """ Request class for the whole library. Auth Managers, GoogleAPI and Sessions should all use this. .. note:: For HTTP body, only pass one of the following params: - json: json as a dict - data: www-url-form-encoded form as a dict/ bytes/ text/ Parameters: method (str): HTTP method as a string (upper case) e.g. 'GET' url (str): full url as a string. e.g. ' batch_url (str): full url of for sending this request in a batch json (dict): json as a dict data (any): www-url-form-encoded form as a dict/ bytes/ text/ headers (dict): headers as a dict media_download (aiogoogle.models.MediaDownload): MediaDownload object media_upload (aiogoogle.models.MediaUpload): MediaUpload object timeout (int): Individual timeout for this request callback (callable): Synchronous callback that takes the content of the response as the only argument. Should also return content. _verify_ssl (boolean): Defaults to True. upload_file_content_type (str): Optional content-type header string. In case you don't want to use the default application/octet-stream (Or whatever is auto-detected by your transport handler) """ def __init__( self, method=None, url=None, batch_url=None, headers=None, json=None, data=None, media_upload=None, media_download=None, timeout=None, callback=None, _verify_ssl=True, upload_file_content_type=None, ): self.method = method self.url = url self.batch_url = batch_url self.headers = {} if headers is None else headers = data self.json = json self.media_upload = media_upload self.media_download = media_download self.timeout = timeout self.callback = callback self._verify_ssl = _verify_ssl self.upload_file_content_type = upload_file_content_type def _add_query_param(self, query: dict): url = self.url if "?" not in url: if url.endswith("/"): url = url[:-1] url += "?" else: url += "&" query = urlencode(query) url += query self.url = url def _rm_query_param(self, name: str): u = urlparse(self.url) query = parse_qs(u.query) query.pop(name, None) u = u._replace(query=urlencode(query, True)) self.url = urlunparse(u)
[docs] @classmethod def batch_requests(cls, *requests): """ Given many requests, will create a batch request per Arguments: *requests (aiogoogle.models.Request): Request objects Returns: aiogoogle.models.Request: """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_response(cls, response): return Request( url=response.url, headers=response.headers, json=response.json,, )
[docs]class Response: """ Respnse Object Arguments: status_code (int): HTTP Status code headers (dict): HTTP response headers url (str): Request URL json (dict): Json Response if any data (any): data reason (str): reason for http error if any req (aiogoogle.models.Request): request that caused this response download_file (str): path of the download file specified in the request pipe_to (object): class object to stream file content to specified in the request. upload_file (str): path of the upload file specified in the request pipe_from (file object): class object to stream file content from session_factory ( A callable implementation of aiogoogle's session interface auth_manager (aiogoogle.auth.managers.ServiceAccountManager): Service account authorization manager. user_creds (aiogoogle.auth.creds.UserCreds): user_creds to make an api call with. """ def __init__( self, status_code=None, headers=None, url=None, json=None, data=None, reason=None, req=None, download_file=None, pipe_to=None, upload_file=None, pipe_from=None, session_factory=None, auth_manager=None, user_creds=None ): if json and data: raise TypeError("Pass either json or data, not both.") self.status_code = status_code self.headers = headers self.url = url self.json = json = data self.reason = reason self.req = req self.download_file = download_file self.pipe_to = pipe_to self.upload_file = upload_file self.pipe_from = pipe_from self.session_factory = session_factory self.auth_manager = auth_manager # Used for refreshing tokens for the Oauth2 authentication workflow. self.user_creds = user_creds @staticmethod async def _next_page_generator( prev_res, session_factory, req_token_name=None, res_token_name=None, json_req=False, ): from .auth.managers import ServiceAccountManager, Oauth2Manager prev_url = None while prev_res is not None: # Avoid infinite looping if google sent the same token twice if prev_url == prev_res.req.url: break prev_url = prev_res.req.url # yield yield prev_res.content # get request for next page next_req = prev_res.next_page( req_token_name=req_token_name, res_token_name=res_token_name, json_req=json_req, ) if next_req is not None: async with session_factory() as sess: user_creds = None if isinstance(prev_res.auth_manager, (ServiceAccountManager, Oauth2Manager)): is_refreshed = False user_creds = None if isinstance(prev_res.auth_manager, ServiceAccountManager): is_refreshed = await prev_res.auth_manager.refresh() if is_refreshed: prev_res.auth_manager.authorize(next_req) else: is_refreshed, user_creds = await prev_res.auth_manager.refresh(prev_res.user_creds) if is_refreshed and user_creds: prev_res.auth_manager.authorize(next_req, user_creds=user_creds) prev_res = await sess.send(next_req, full_res=True, auth_manager=prev_res.auth_manager, user_creds=user_creds) else: prev_res = None
[docs] def __call__( self, session_factory=None, req_token_name=None, res_token_name=None, json_req=False, ): """ Returns a generator that yields the contents of the next pages if any (and this page as well) Arguments: session_factory ( A session factory req_token_name (str): * name of the next_page token in the request * Default: "pageToken" res_token_name (str): * name of the next_page token in json response * Default: "nextPageToken" json_req (dict): Normally, nextPageTokens should be sent in URL query params. If you want it in A json body, set this to True Returns: async generator: self._next_page_generator (staticmethod) """ if session_factory is None: session_factory = self.session_factory return self._next_page_generator( self, session_factory, req_token_name, res_token_name, json_req )
def __aiter__(self): return self._next_page_generator(self, self.session_factory) def __iter__(self): raise TypeError( 'You probably forgot to use an "async for" statement instead of just a "for" statement.' ) @property def content(self): """ Equals either ``self.json`` or ```` """ return self.json or
[docs] def next_page( self, req_token_name=None, res_token_name=None, json_req=False ) -> Request: """ Method that returns a request object that requests the next page of a resource Arguments: req_token_name (str): * name of the next_page token in the request * Default: "pageToken" res_token_name (str): * name of the next_page token in json response * Default: "nextPageToken" json_req (dict): Normally, nextPageTokens should be sent in URL query params. If you want it in A json body, set this to True Returns: A request object (aiogoogle.models.Request): """ if req_token_name is None: req_token_name = "pageToken" if res_token_name is None: res_token_name = "nextPageToken" res_token = self.json.get(res_token_name, None) if res_token == "": res_token = None if res_token is None: return None # request = Request.from_response(self) request = self.req if json_req: request.json[req_token_name] = res_token else: request._rm_query_param(req_token_name) request._add_query_param({req_token_name: res_token}) return request
@property def error_msg(self): if self.json is not None and self.json.get("error") is not None: return pprint.pformat(self.json["error"])
[docs] def raise_for_status(self): if self.status_code >= 400: if self.error_msg is not None: self.reason = "\n\n" + self.reason + "\n\nContent:\n" + self.error_msg self.reason = "\n\n" + self.reason + "\n\nRequest URL:\n" + self.req.url if self.status_code == 401: raise AuthError(msg=self.reason, req=self.req, res=self) else: raise HTTPError(msg=self.reason, req=self.req, res=self)
def __str__(self): return str(self.content) def __repr__(self): return f"Aiogoogle response model. Status: {str(self.status_code)}"