A simple instance validation module for Discovery schemas.
Unfrtunately, Google uses a slightly modified version of JSONschema draft3 (mix of jsonschema and protobuf).
As a result, using an external library to validate Discovery schemas will raise lots of errors.
I tried to modify the popular: https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema to make it work with Google's version,
but it was just too complicated for the relatively simple task on our hands.
If you face any problems with aiogoogle's validation, you can always turn it off by either passing: ``method.__call__(validate=False)``
or turning it off for the whole API by passing aiogoogle.discover(validate=False)
This module misses a lot of the features provided with more advanced jsonschema validators e.g.
1. collecting all validation errors and raising them all at once
2. more descriptive errors with nice tracebacks
3. Validating repeatable instances
4. additionalItems
and more: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-03
__all__ = ["validate"]
import base64
import datetime
import warnings
import re
import rfc3339
from functools import wraps
from .excs import ValidationError
# ------- MAPPINGS -------#
"number": (float, int),
"integer": (int),
"string": (str),
"object": (dict),
"array": (list, set, tuple),
"boolean": (bool),
"null": (), # Not used
"any": (float, int, str, dict, list, set, tuple, bool),
# After writing a format check for any of those formats, remove the format you wrote the checker for.
IGNORABLE_FORMATS = ["google-fieldmask", "google-duration", "google-datetime"]
# Given this type, if None then don't check for additional "format" property in the schema, else, format might be any of the mapped values
# Those are kept here for reference. They aren't used by any of the validators below. Instead validators check directly if there's any format requirements
"any": [],
"array": [],
"boolean": [],
"integer": ["int32", "unint32"],
"number": ["double", "float"],
"object": [],
"string": ["null", "byte", "date", "date-time", "int64", "uint64"],
# ------ Helpers -------#
def make_validation_error_msg(checked_value, correct_criteria, schema_name=None):
return f'\n\n Invalid instance: "{str(schema_name)}"\n\n{checked_value} isn\'t valid. Expected a value that meets the following criteria: {correct_criteria}'
def handle_type_and_value_errors(fn):
def wrapper(*args, schema_name=None):
return fn(*args, schema_name=schema_name)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
raise ValidationError(
f"{e.__class__.__name__}:\nValue: {args[0]}\nSchema name: {schema_name}\nValidator's name: {fn.__name__}\nError: {str(e)}"
return wrapper
# -------- VALIDATORS ---------#
# Type validators (JSON schema)
def any_validator(value, schema_name=None):
# req_types = JSON_PYTHON_TYPE_MAPPING['any']
# if not isinstance(value, req_types):
# raise ValidationError(make_validation_error_msg(value, str(req_types), schema_name))
def array_validator(value, schema_name=None):
req_types = JSON_PYTHON_TYPE_MAPPING["array"]
if not isinstance(value, req_types):
raise ValidationError(
make_validation_error_msg(value, str(req_types), schema_name)
def boolean_validator(value, schema_name=None):
req_types = JSON_PYTHON_TYPE_MAPPING["boolean"]
if not isinstance(value, req_types):
raise ValidationError(
make_validation_error_msg(value, str(req_types), schema_name)
def integer_validator(value, schema_name=None):
req_types = JSON_PYTHON_TYPE_MAPPING["integer"]
if not isinstance(value, req_types):
raise ValidationError(
make_validation_error_msg(value, str(req_types), schema_name)
def number_validator(value, schema_name=None):
req_types = JSON_PYTHON_TYPE_MAPPING["number"]
if not isinstance(value, req_types):
raise ValidationError(
make_validation_error_msg(value, str(req_types), schema_name)
def object_validator(value, schema_name=None):
req_types = JSON_PYTHON_TYPE_MAPPING["object"]
if not isinstance(value, req_types):
raise ValidationError(
make_validation_error_msg(value, str(req_types), schema_name)
def string_validator(value, schema_name=None):
req_types = JSON_PYTHON_TYPE_MAPPING["string"]
if not isinstance(value, req_types):
raise ValidationError(
make_validation_error_msg(value, str(req_types), schema_name)
# Format validators (Discovery Specific) https://developers.google.com/discovery/v1/type-format
def int32_validator(value, schema_name=None):
if (int(value) > 2147483648) or (int(value) < -2147483648):
raise ValidationError(
value, "Integer between -2147483648 and 2147483648", schema_name
def uint32_validator(value, schema_name=None):
if (int(value) < 0) or (int(value) > 4294967295):
raise ValidationError(
value, "Integer between 0 and 4294967295", schema_name
def int64_validator(value, schema_name=None):
if (int(value) > 9223372036854775807) or (int(value) < -9223372036854775807):
raise ValidationError(
"Integer between -9,223,372,036,854,775,807 and -9,223,372,036,854,775,807",
def uint64_validator(value, schema_name=None):
if (int(value) > 9223372036854775807 * 2) or (int(value) < 0):
raise ValidationError(
"Integer between 0 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 * 2",
def double_validator(value, schema_name=None):
if not isinstance(value, float):
raise ValidationError(
make_validation_error_msg(value, "Double type", schema_name)
def float_validator(value, schema_name=None):
if not isinstance(value, float):
raise ValidationError(
make_validation_error_msg(value, "Float type", schema_name)
def byte_validator(value, schema_name=None):
def date_validator(value, schema_name=None):
msg = make_validation_error_msg(
"JSON date value. Hint: use datetime.date.isoformat(), instead of datetime.date",
pvalue = rfc3339.parse_date(value)
# pvalue = datetime.date.fromisoformat(value)
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationError(str(e) + msg)
if not isinstance(pvalue, datetime.date):
raise ValidationError(msg)
def datetime_validator(value, schema_name=None):
msg = make_validation_error_msg(
"JSON datetime value. Hint: use datetime.datetime.isoformat(), instead of datetime.datetime",
pvalue = rfc3339.parse_datetime(value)
# pvalue = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(value)
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationError(str(e), msg)
if not isinstance(pvalue, datetime.datetime):
raise ValidationError(msg)
def null_validator(value, schema_name=None):
if value != "null":
raise ValidationError(
make_validation_error_msg(value, "'null' NOT None", schema_name)
# Other Validators
def minimum_validator(value, minimum, schema_name=None):
if float(value) < float(minimum):
raise ValidationError(
make_validation_error_msg(value, f"Not less than {minimum}", schema_name)
def maximum_validator(value, maximum, schema_name=None):
if float(value) > float(maximum):
raise ValidationError(
make_validation_error_msg(value, f"Not less than {maximum}", schema_name)
# -- Sub validators ---------------------------
def validate_type(instance, schema, schema_name=None):
type_validator_name = schema["type"]
# Check if type in list of possible types to avoid calling globals() maliciously
if type_validator_name not in JSON_PYTHON_TYPE_MAPPING:
f"""\n\nUnknown type: {type_validator_name} found.\n\nSkipping type checks for {instance}
against this schema:\n\n{schema}\n\nPlease create an
issue @ https://github.com/omarryhan/aiogoogle and report this warning msg."""
type_validator = globals()[type_validator_name + "_validator"]
type_validator(instance, schema_name=schema_name)
def validate_format(instance, schema, schema_name=None):
if schema.get("format"):
# Exception for format: mostly protobuf formats
if schema["format"] in IGNORABLE_FORMATS:
# /Exception
format_validator_name = schema["format"]
# Check if type in list of possible types to avoid calling globals() maliciously
if format_validator_name not in KNOWN_FORMATS:
f"""\n\nUnknown format: {format_validator_name} found.\n\nSkipping format checks for {instance}
against this schema:\n\n{schema}\n\nPlease create an
issue @ https://github.com/omarryhan/aiogoogle and report this warning msg."""
if format_validator_name == "date-time":
format_validator_name = "datetime"
format_validator = globals()[format_validator_name + "_validator"]
format_validator(instance, schema_name=schema_name)
def validate_range(instance, schema, schema_name=None):
if schema.get("minimum"):
minimum_validator(instance, schema["minimum"], schema_name=schema_name)
if schema.get("maximum"):
maximum_validator(instance, schema["maximum"], schema_name=schema_name)
def validate_pattern(instance, schema, schema_name=None):
pattern = schema.get("pattern")
if pattern is not None:
match = re.match(pattern, instance)
if match is None:
raise ValidationError(
f'Match this pattern: r"{pattern}"',
def validate_enum(instance, schema, schema_name=None):
options = schema.get("enum")
if options is not None and instance not in options:
option_string = ', '.join(f'"{o}"' for o in options)
raise ValidationError(
f'Must be one of the following: {option_string}',
# -- Main Validator ---------------
def validate_all(instance, schema, schema_name=None):
validate_type(instance, schema, schema_name)
validate_format(instance, schema, schema_name)
validate_range(instance, schema, schema_name)
validate_pattern(instance, schema, schema_name)
validate_enum(instance, schema, schema_name)
# -- API --------------------
[docs]def validate(instance, schema, schemas=None, schema_name=None):
Instance: Instance to validate
schema: schema to validate instance against
schemas: Full schamas dict to resolve refs if any
schema_name: Name of the schema (Useful if you want more meaningful errors)
def resolve(schema):
Resolves schema from schemas
if no $ref was found, returns original schema
if "$ref" in schema:
if schemas is None:
raise ValidationError(
f"Attempted to resolve a {str(schema)}, but no schemas ref were found to resolve from"
schema = schemas[schema["$ref"]]
except KeyError:
raise ValidationError(
f"Attempted to resolve {schema['$ref']}, but no results found."
return schema
def validate_object():
# Validate instance is an object
object_validator(instance) # dict validator, nothing jsonschema related
# 1. Resolve additional properties
additional_properties = schema.get("additionalProperties")
# Jsonschema draft 3
if additional_properties is False or (
isinstance(additional_properties, dict) and len(additional_properties) == 0
additional_properties = None
if not isinstance(additional_properties, dict):
# Typically, additionalProperties should be either False, dict(schema) or empty.
# Empty will default to None. And False, as shown above, also defaults to None.
# Sometimes, it's a string, but strings shouldn't be schemas. Strings will be ignored.
# There are too many of them to raise an error whenever we find one (around 75). So they'll just be ignored
# raise ValidationError(f'Invalid type of addiotional properties. Shoudl be either a dict or False')
additional_properties = None
# 2. Resolve properties
if not schema.get("properties"):
if not additional_properties:
raise ValidationError(
Invalid Schema: {str(schema)}.
Neither properties nor addiotional properties found in this schema"""
props = {}
props = schema["properties"]
# 3. Raise warnings or fail on passed dict keys that aren't mentioned in the schema
for k, _ in instance.items():
if k not in props:
# If there's a schema for additional properties validate
if additional_properties is not None:
# some additional properties are misused and
# have many properties instead of just one.
# Basically, additionalProperties is sort of like **kwargs,
# you should only use one per statement/schema
if "properties" not in additional_properties:
schema_name=str(schema_name) + "/additionalProperties",
) # instace, schema for any additional props
Item {k} was passed, but not mentioned in the
following schema {schema.get('id')}.\n\n
It will probably be discarded by the API you're using"""
# 4. Validate existing properties
for k, v in props.items():
# Check if there's a ref to resolve
v = resolve(v)
# Check if instance has the property, if not, check if it's required
if k not in instance:
if v.get("required") is True:
raise ValidationError(f"Instance {k} is required")
validate(instance[k], v, schemas, schema_name=k)
def validate_array():
schema_ = resolve(schema["items"])
# Check if instance has the property, if not, check if it's required
for item in instance:
validate(item, schema_, schemas, schema_name=schema_name)
# Check schema and schemas are dicts.
# These errors shouldn't normally be raised, unless there's some messed up schema(s) being passed/reffed
if not isinstance(schema, dict):
raise TypeError("Schema must be a dict")
if schemas is not None:
if not isinstance(schemas, dict):
raise TypeError("Schemas must be a dict")
# Preliminary resolvement.
schema = resolve(schema)
# If object (Dict): iterate over each entry and recursively validate
if schema["type"] == "object":
# If array (list or tuple) iterate over each item and recursively validate
elif schema["type"] == "array":
# Validate instance is an array
# Else we reached the lowest level of a schema, validate
validate_all(instance, schema, schema_name)